Georgia Foster

From the Creator of the Drink Less Mind...

Amazons #1 Best Selling Alcohol Reduction Book From Georgia Foster To Help You Reduce The Amount Of Alcohol You Drink!

Available for Kindle, Mobile & Computer

$6 USD (Other Currencies Available)

File formats and requirements:
All hypnosis recordings come in .MP3 Format and are playable in most browsers, or via standard PC or Mac software.
All eBooks, Charts, and Questionnaires come in .PDF format, accessible with Adobe Acrobat, which you can download for free at

Available for Kindle, Mobile & Computer

$6 USD (Other Currencies Available)

File formats and requirements:
All hypnosis recordings come in .MP3 Format and are playable in most browsers, or via standard PC or Mac software.
All eBooks, Charts, and Questionnaires come in .PDF format, accessible with Adobe Acrobat, which you can download for free at
About the Book
Increased alcohol consumption in society today is rarely out of the news. But it seems that most therapies and therapists offer an all-or-nothing solution give up completely or give in to the drink. However, there is good news for those of us who would like to reduce our intake without giving up completely. Clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster offers us a middle way and even better, it takes just seven days!
Georgia is a world-leading therapist, specialising in over drinking behaviour (as well as anxiety and self-esteem and other issues). Her drink less courses have a high success rate (95% of attendees report reduced alcohol consumption) and in her new book she shares the secrets of this success.
Georgia uses short questionnaires and tick boxes to help the reader establish how they currently relate to alcohol and then gives simple, practical steps to help the reader take back control of their drinking.
About the Author
Georgia Foster qualified with distinction at the London College of Clinical Hypnosis and has been working as a clinical hypnotherapist since 1995.
She has been featured in some of the most well read newspapers and magazines such as The Sunday Times, the Guardian, Metro, Good Housekeeping, Psychologies and Cosmopolitan. She is a regular guest on Sky News and The Morning Show (Australia).
Georgia lives in Australia but delivers regular workshops in the UK

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With a program to stick to, it’s not as hard as I imagined…. I have just had five small glasses of wine in the past 10 days – a huge improvement… I feel stronger and more accepting of my own current situation, so there was less of an internal struggle and less of a void to fill with drink. Alcohol is becoming a treat not a habit.’

Rebecca Smith Psychologies Magazine

‘My skin was clearer and I slept better… By the end of the week, my usual total of 40 units is down to a more modest (for me) 21. Thanks to hypnotherapy… And the brilliant thing? I haven’t had to give up drinking completely.

Liz Hoggard, Featured in The Daily Mail

‘I don’t know if it’s because I have more energy and I am more active, but I’ve lost 7 pounds! . People keep saying how well I look. Yesterday, someone asked me if I’d had a facelift. I thought I needed alcohol to relax, to make life more interesting, to make me more interesting. It’s just not true.’

The Independent Newspaper

"She has hypnotised billionaires, politicians, actors and high-profile musicians, though she’s far to discreet to name names."

"In the day following I leave two (boozy) dinner parties sober, having had less than a couple of glasses of wine without giving it much thought. I feel stronger, partly due to a new awareness of my personal triggers."

“Let’s be honest: nobody wants to live in a non-alcohol world. But it’s about you managing your alcohol, as opposed it letting it manage you. It’s about not using drink as escapism from day-to-day problems.” Those cravings practically VANISHED! It’s such a relief! “This program is quite a strange experience to start with, but then I've never done something like this before. Just relax and don't question it. At first I was disappointed because I thought it wasn't working. Then suddenly, this odd thing happened... I haven't wanted to have a drink at all! It's not like the idea turns me off, but before I would think about a big glass of wine and it would only be a matter of time before I had got my hands on one (then two, then three). Those cravings practically VANISHED! It's such a RELIEF! I will definitely want to have wine in my future, but it's nice to think that I call the shots from now on, instead of the other way round. Try it, and stick at it… you’ll be AMAZED.”

"I often woke up annoyed with myself because wine was stopping me from doing simple things such as phoning friends. I found it so easy to sit at a computer or watch TV and would top up my glass almost unconsciously…..Since completing the programme in March she has managed a couple of nights a week without alcohol and when she does drink, a glass or two is enough."

Zoe was drinking up to 90 units a week while working in the city. She tells Sadie Dodds how she became one of the first woman in Britain to undergo therapy for binge drinking. "Georgia’s theory was that I was drinking to escape the immense pressure I was putting myself under. I lost two stone. I started making healthier choices, simply because I gained respect for myself.”

"My overall mood is so vastly improved that I am actually shocked by the change. My problems are still there, but I seem to be dwelling on them less and they don’t seem so overwhelming. I feel far more positive and I don’t feel I want to drink wine to escape from anything, including myself.”

Hi Georgia I just want to thank you for your insightful programme. I have just completed day 7 and want to say what a huge relief finding your programme has been to me. At 66 I have been drinking since I was 18, my father and older brother were both alcoholics my father was very violent and physically, mentally and sexually abusive towards me. My brother committed suicide through his drinking and I have 2 failed marriages behind me! I have two beautiful children both now married and with children of their own and after many years of working with children with Autism and their families and fighting to make a positive difference in their lives by developing a very successful support centre in a mainstream school I have now retired and have moved to be close to my daughter and new granddaughter who is now 5 months old! Both myself and my daughter have ME and I am so grateful to be closer to her and also experience real family life with all it's ups and downs but within a lovely extended family situation. I have through the years received much counselling and am now about to receive counselling for my drinking and explore both mine and my fathers relationship with drink. I only know at this moment that it is extremely important to me that I "manage" my drinking in the ways that you have described in your programme rather than feeling that I am an alcoholic like my father and brother. I know I have a long way to go but your programme will be an important part of my counselling. Thank you for making it available to me and for helping me to feel that I can manage my drinking and develop my ability to drink less. I don't know whether you will get to read this or not but it was important to me to write this!! Thank you Glenda Forster Your program has changed my life. The past 3 days have been the best since I started drinking to not feel hurt. So tonight I didn’t do as well - but the difference is I didn’t desire to drink, but once I started this evening, I’ve had 4 glasses of wine (with ice so probably 5 oz each). When my daughter needs/uses a me I try to reclaim my life by drinking to calm down and then to claim my adulthood. I’m sure you have heard all of this. I do not feel I’ve lost the ground I’ve gained but wants to confess my non-success. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Lindy Hoppen

Dear Georgia, I am on day five of the program, and was cautiously optimistic. I am a 47 year old registered nurse. I had always been a social drinker, maybe twice a month. About two years ago my then 14 year old daughter became severely depressed, and anxious. She has had 3 suicide attempts, and 4 inpatient hospitalizations over the last year. I have had to become her 24 hour constant caregiver. I began drinking to relax in the evening, then I found it was my escape. I have had a drink or 5 most nights for the past 2 years. These last 5 days I have literally had no desire to drink one drop. I said all of that to ask this question. Once I finish the 7 days, plus the bonus day. Do I then go back and start over or just listen to what particular recordings that I felt pertained to me the most? Do you recommend doing this long term? Thank you for giving me hope. I was stuck in a cycle every evening, and I needed to make a change. Sincerely,

Sally Buffell

Thankyou for the contact. I am on day 5 and have not had anything to drink since Sunday. I have been using wine as a crutch to reduce stress and a few other issues. So far I have felt much calmer and not automatically reach for a glass when I feel overwhelmed. Is there a forum that I can utilize to work out issues? Thanks Mary

Mary Taylor

Hi! I’m in day 3 of my management program and I love it. Thank you so much for helping me. It’s worth a lot more than what I paid and I am very optimistic for my future “drinking less”. With love,

Erika S.

Hi there, I just wanted to thank you Georgia, and your team for developing this program. I am 4 days in, and already I feel like a weight has lifted from my chest. I have spent years worrying about my alcohol consumption. At times I was so scared I was an alcoholic I stopped drinking altogether for months and sometimes years on end, which I found easy, but also terribly boring and restrictive. Ironically being tee-total also made my feelings of guilt and self-doubt worse than before. Like I had treated the symptom but not the cause. Last night I was out with a friend who wasn't drinking that particular night, and normally that would make me a bit anxious and push me to drink more, or not to drink at all because I would feel guilty about it. Instead I felt relaxed and confident that I could drink as much or as little as I wanted to. Eventually I drank two glasses of wine with dinner. I effortlessly paced myself, filling up on water, and savoring the wine. I felt no need for the third glass the waiter offered me and happily declined. I have done this many times before (set my mind to have much I was going to drink on a given night and stuck to it). But I think this might be one of the few times I actually enjoyed myself, not thinking about how much I was or wasn't drinking - I was too busy engaging in an interesting conversation with my friend (and not my inner critic, perfectionist or pleaser) to bother noticing how much wine was left in my glass. I feel so free, so unburdened. I can't thank you enough, and I am truly looking forward to the rest of the program. Best regards,


I’m in day 3 of my management program and I love it. Thank you so much for helping me. It’s worth a lot more than what I paid and I am very optimistic for my future “drinking less”

Erika Tannent

Thank you so much for this program! I have just finished day 3. It is truly amazing how it has worked since day 1. No problems whatsoever. No yearnings, i don’t feel any restrictions... I listen to the lesson and hypnotherapy session starting at 5pm daily, when i would normally pour myself a glass of wine. I have easily and effortlessly cut my drinking in half. I call this “mindful drinking”. I regularly attend lectures by a neuroscientist who speaks about all thing related to brain issues and one thing i have come to understand is that when we are in a mode of performing something habitual, how our brain goes in reserve mode (just like using lower power on a computer in order to save power) for when our brain needs more power later for it to for forming new connections or storing new memories. This made me realize that when I drink, that i am In that mode of not mindfully thinking about what i am doing. Much like driving a regular route to or from a regular place we visit. You don’t remember driving it, but you have gotten from point A to point B. I think you referred to this at some point in your lessons or lectures. Well that is how i have been drinking. I don’t remember how i would get there but by the end of the night i would finish a bottle of wine. This “light switch” in my head between your lessons and my knowledge from my other lectures has been a HUGE eye-opener for me. I can’t thank you enough, I will recommend this program to anyone and everyone who is looking to accomplish to drink less. Also, i would like to note, that my main goal of this program was to take in less calories through alcohol. I am thrilled that my love affair with wine will continue, yet i will feel less foggy in the head, hopefully lose the weight i am looking to lose and just feel better about myself in general. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!


Hello Georgia, I want to thank you so much! Your program has worked great! So much so that I told my Sister. I was able to almost immediately go from 3 to 4 beers per day to 1 per day. I have even had Drink free days! I was a bit put out that my husband hasn't noticed (he is one of my drains) and normally was "counting" how many I had. But then I realized it doesn't matter if he does or not. I feel better! I'm sleeping better! I hope to loose some weight around my middle that I have been packing on for years. I know that if I slip it's ok, but that I have the sessions that I can re-listen to and get back on track. Thank you!!!

Sue Ash

Years ago, I did AFD’s through self-discipline but would then drink too much the next day as my reward. Thanks to your recording, the reward this morning felt like the freedom from drinking yesterday. I wanted to thank you so much because although it’s early days, your recordings expressed exactly the exhausting inner dialogue I’ve had for years, the frustration and self-disgust at swearing in the morning not to drink but then cracking open the wine at 6pm (if I waited that long!) Also the sense that I didn’t deserve help, and couldn’t access it easily and privately without setting myself up for failure. I had got very low, like standing in the bottom of an empty well with only a small circle of daylight at the top. Now you’ve thrown me a rope. I have a wonderful, loving family including a beloved cat, a good job, financial security and I love to write creatively. I now feel not only that I want to drink less, but that it’s an achievable goal to look after myself more. I’ve got to grips more with the MP3 files and am using them regularly. I’d like my family name to remain anonymous, but if any of these phrases help you, please feel free to use them. Thanks so very much"

Thank you for your email and your program. I feel better, my mind is clearer and I feel good about myself! I was an every day, fairly heavy drinker for decades. I rarely was a one or two drink kind of person, and it didn't matter whether I was out with friends or at home alone. Probably since college (and I am approaching 60) it has been this way. It really was concerning me because my health was being affected, my inability to lose weight, mind fog, skin issues and then the diagnosis of Fatty liver and elevated Liver enzymes prompted me to consider my next steps. I really couldn't see me completely abstaining from alcohol, since it was such a big part of my social life (but that is the moderate/occasional drinking) - I needed to stop the Heavy drinking outside of that. My Doctor wanted me to quit all together. The 7 day progam made a difference from day 2, I really thought about why and what and how much I was drinking. I also drink a glass of water in between drinks now, and it is taking me MUCH longer to drink a single drink (I would have typically drank 3 or so in the 2 hour time it is taking me now). What surprised me the most is how effortless it is, and how I do not feel deprived, yet I am truly enjoying feeling better, being more productive and starting new projects in the time that I would either be drinking or recovering! I am on day 7 and haven't had more than 2 drinks a day since I started and plan to, after today do my first AFD! And I'm not scared about it, I'm actually looking forward to it! Thank you again,... I look forward to my future journey to a healthful fruitful future!


"Years ago, I did AFD’s through self-discipline but would then drink too much the next day as my reward. Thanks to your recording, the reward this morning felt like the freedom from drinking yesterday. I wanted to thank you so much because although it’s early days, your recordings expressed exactly the exhausting inner dialogue I’ve had for years, the frustration and self-disgust at swearing in the morning not to drink but then cracking open the wine at 6pm (if I waited that long!) Also the sense that I didn’t deserve help, and couldn’t access it easily and privately without setting myself up for failure. I had got very low, like standing in the bottom of an empty well with only a small circle of daylight at the top. Now you’ve thrown me a rope. I have a wonderful, loving family including a beloved cat, a good job, financial security and I love to write creatively. I now feel not only that I want to drink less, but that it’s an achievable goal to look after myself more. I’ve got to grips more with the MP3 files and am using them regularly. I’d like my family name to remain anonymous, but if any of these phrases help you, please feel free to use them. Thanks so very much"

Thank you for your email and your program. I feel better, my mind is clearer and I feel good about myself! I was an every day, fairly heavy drinker for decades. I rarely was a one or two drink kind of person, and it didn't matter whether I was out with friends or at home alone. Probably since college (and I am approaching 60) it has been this way. It really was concerning me because my health was being affected, my inability to lose weight, mind fog, skin issues and then the diagnosis of Fatty liver and elevated Liver enzymes prompted me to consider my next steps. I really couldn't see me completely abstaining from alcohol, since it was such a big part of my social life (but that is the moderate/occasional drinking) - I needed to stop the Heavy drinking outside of that. My Doctor wanted me to quit all together. The 7 day progam made a difference from day 2, I really thought about why and what and how much I was drinking. I also drink a glass of water in between drinks now, and it is taking me MUCH longer to drink a single drink (I would have typically drank 3 or so in the 2 hour time it is taking me now). What surprised me the most is how effortless it is, and how I do not feel deprived, yet I am truly enjoying feeling better, being more productive and starting new projects in the time that I would either be drinking or recovering! I am on day 7 and haven't had more than 2 drinks a day since I started and plan to, after today do my first AFD! And I'm not scared about it, I'm actually looking forward to it! Thank you again,... I look forward to my future journey to a healthful fruitful future!


What was your life like before the 7 Days To Drink Less Program? What pains and challenges were you experiencing? I would classify myself as a binge drinker. I would normally drink rather heavily on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings/nights. These nights would be about 1.5-2 bottles of wine each night. I normally don’t drink Monday to Friday apart from maybe 3-4 beers after golf on say a Wednesday or Thursday. This would be my normal week except when on holiday when the drinking would be every night for 3-4 weeks with maybe the odd day reducing the amount. I very rarely suffer from a hangover and felt quite comfortable that the alcohol didn’t interfere with my daily life. I should mention at this stage that I am in my early 60s and am mostly retired but have several small business interests/ investments that keep me going. So the only pains/challenges that I experienced were probably that inner critic nagging at me that I was constantly dependent on alcohol. I also slept better with alcohol nights and struggle to get a good night's sleep with only a few drinks or sober. What made you decide to do this program? I felt that my drinking was starting to become very regimented, ie, I felt that I had to reach that 1.5 bottles of wine or more every Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and the 3-4 bottles of beer after golf, yet I could have those other days alcohol free no problems at all but if I tried to have say Friday or Saturday with no alcohol, I couldn’t do it. Then I saw this programme and thought this sounds like me because the last thing I want to do is give up altogether, I just want to drink less. How did the 7 Days To Drink Less Program make a difference in your life? I have only just completed the 7 day drink less programme today so early days and probably too soon to see long term effects. But this last week I only had 2 beers after golf and drank just over 2 bottles of wine all weekend which I was rather proud of and it didn’t take a lot of effort but still needed a certain amount of willpower. I enjoy your talking through the different scenarios but struggle with Hypnotherapy part of the programme. I guess I’m a bit sceptical on that form of therapy. I would get myself warm and comfortable as you say, close my eyes but always felt totally alert during the process. What has surprised you most about this journey? At first I was probably rather sceptical about the whole process but hey my first week I drank half my normal intake no problems at all. I told a few mates that I felt that I just needed to start drinking less [ I didn’t mention this programme ] and they had no issues with that. So long may it last. Cheers

"I thought you’d like to know, yesterday was my second AFD and also the second anniversary of my Mum’s death. She fought off Lymphoma for a decade, was fantastically brave through some hospital horrors and laser sharp until the day before she died, when she told my Dad and I: “It’s time for me to leave you both.” I thought if I could have an AFD yesterday, I could have one any day, ever. I think she’d be proud. Couldn’t have done it without your recordings." “Georgia Foster is a talented and caring hypnotherapist. Her ‘live online’ Drink Less Mind seminars and materials were excellent and certainly helped me cut my drinking down to acceptable levels."


Thank you for all you do. Thanks to you I have significantly improved my life and well-being. You made me realise I am a perfectionist and this is the major reason why I was binge drinking 2-3x a week. I now have a drinkless mind set and I sleep better, feel better digestively and life really is easier. I am forever grateful for what you do."

Georgia et al, Thanks for this program. I’ve had problems managing my alcohol since I was a teen, now 61. It has affected my life in every way. I’ve entertained months of complete abstinence in the past only to find myself losing count of my beer/wine units again and again. I’ve never felt chemically dependent but when I get in the right spot I can’t hold back. It’s felt emotionally charged so here I am letting you know I think you’re on to something. I’m on day 4 and I haven’t tested it as I’m presently getting over Covid. Haven’t had a drink in two weeks and not at all interested in doing anything to make me feel bad as I’m trying to feel good for the first time in weeks. I’ll let you know how it goes when I’m finally back in the game. Thanks so much, Robert Sent from my iPad


Hi georgia I want to thank you, it has been more than 15 years that I have allowed alcohol to control me. I always felt there's no way out and even the thought of reducing my intake left me anxious and emotionally distraught. I spoke with Dr's and seaked councilling but the talking and even very strong medication they prescribed nothing ever worked. It has only been two weeks for me but with listening to your recordings the change is remarkable. I have never felt so at peace in years and I thank you from the bottom of my heart your work is truly amazing. I am from Melbourne Australia and hope you have a seminar here in the future to attend. Thank you again


Your program has changed my life. The past 3 days have been the best since I started drinking to not feel hurt. So tonight I didn’t do as well - but the difference is I didn’t desire to drink, but once I started this evening, I’ve had 4 glasses of wine (with ice so probably 5 oz each). When my daughter needs/uses a me I try to reclaim my life by drinking to calm down and then to claim my adulthood. I’m sure you have heard all of this. I do not feel I’ve lost the ground I’ve gained but want to confess my non-success. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am really enjoying the program. I have already learned so much about myself. Thank you And I have already cut my drinking in 1/2 only after 2 days


Hi Georgia I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for our email asking how I am getting on. Day 3 and so far so good. Had 2 nights with no booze, and then last night I consciously had 2 glasses of wine which I sipped and enjoyed. I had no guilt this morning. I am awaiting to see how I fare towards the end of week/weekend, but am confident I am learning lots of strategies etc. By the way, is there a Facebook page where people share stories etc?


Thank you for following up. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I just finished day 3 yesterday and I am excited and a little anxious to continue on this journey. I would be lying if I didn’t tell that I was a little scared about what to expect. If this was a scheme or rip off, so to get the material and listen to the day 1 information was enlightening for me. I can’t tell you exactly what has changed but something inside me has started to turn in a better direction than where I was headed.

James Eastland

I find your sessions more effective than Clear Minds Hypnotherapy


Hello Georgia, Thank you for reaching out to me. I am on day 7 of the program and it is AMAZING! Although I have not followed through on a AFD yet. I am well on my way as I have been drinking less and it has been easy. Beyond that, I have learned so much about myself and the causes of my behavior. It has been a catharsis, in fact, several significant in-sights have come to the surface. It's as if I am literally shedding chains. I had no idea how much a people please I have been my whole life - in many cases to a great detriment to myself. So, thank you, it's like you are my best friend! I wish you continued success and I am eternally grateful to you. On, on to an AFD! Cheers,


Georgia , not sure about my liver , but the good news is I have cut down my Alcohol drinking to at least half and I believe I have lost some weight ! So grateful for your program - I believe my Alcohol drinking is very habitual / so am changing my daily habits - I used-to come home late afternoon and grab a glass of wine !! Or 2 or 3 or 4 ! Also sometimes have a wine at lunch / simply stopped and keep listening to your subinmal recordings - I often don’t even feel like a wine —but If I do it’s hard to restrain my self from having another wine ‘/ I really have to ask myself ? Do I really want a wine and the answer us usually no !! Thanks for your support ♥️😊🙏

Thank you so much for this program. I am happy to report that I have been alcohol-free the entire time. Full disclosure here, I was a bit skeptical but was of the mindset, "try it, it can't hurt"! I am so glad I did. I have been in many social settings where my friends/family were enjoying their libations and I didn't even think about not joining them! This is HUGE for me! I am anxious to hear your recommendations on segueing back to enjoying alcohol in moderation for the upcoming holidays. Thanks again and make it a great week!

My big reason to cut back on drinking is for my health. Cutting back has been a challenge but lately I've had success with a reset of my mind. I think before I drink. This will hurt going down (turn off) it won't taste good and I changed my location of where I drink, I now have as little as 2 drinks and go do some reading. HUGE difference. Thanks Georgia, you were part of this success

Dear Georgia, I’m sitting here at my computer wanting to express my sincerest gratitude, thank you so so very much from the bottom of my heart for recreating me. You and you alone have been for me my hidden strength, I am no longer defeated, no longer inferior and I no longer need to drink. I wish you a very Merry Christmas dearest Lady – I read a quote once that “the happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything” and you have made me blossom. Kind Regards
