Georgia Foster

Courses in the Mobile App

Accessing Your Courses

When you first log in to the Mobile App, you will be brought to your Home screen. On this screen, you will find your top three courses sorted in the order of last accessed, with your most recently accessed course first on the left.

If the course you want to open is one of these three, simply click on the course card to open that course. 

If you are enrolled in more than three courses, you will be able to scroll to the left of the three most recently accessed courses listed on your Home screen and click See All to view all of your courses.

You can also view all of the courses you are enrolled in by clicking on the Learn tab at the bottom of your Home screen.

The Learn tab contains a list of the courses you are enrolled in. You can search for the course you want to access by using a search function or by filtering courses by categories.

Once you locate the course that you want to work on, click on it to select it. The next section of this article will explain how to navigate once you’ve selected your course.

If you’ve clicked on the wrong course, or you want to return to the previous page once you’ve opened a course, simply hit the “x” in the top left corner of the course screen to close the course content.

Navigating Within a Course

In the previous step, you located and selected a course to work on. Once you have clicked on your course, a screen containing the course curriculum outline will open.

This screen will act as both an introduction to the course, as well as an index of the lessons contained within the course. From this screen, you will be able to see all of the chapters and lessons contained within your course, and how much progress you have made on the course.

The course curriculum will show the following:

  1. A course name, percentage completed, and the total number of published lessons
  2. Resume or Start button
  3. Link to a Community space, if your course is connected to a Community Space
  4. Lesson icons with a green checkmark indicating completed lessons
  5. Lesson icons with no green checkmark indicating lessons that were not completed
  6. Lesson type
  7. An indicator if a lesson is a prerequisite, i.e. you are required to complete it before you can move to the next chapter
  8. An indicator if a lesson is not yet available – the indicated date will specify when the lesson will be released
  9. An indicator if a lesson can only be accessed via the web (browser)

You can also collapse or open chapters by clicking on the chapter name.

To begin your course:

  • If you have not started the course yet, select Start to begin.
  • If you have already started this course, and you want to continue from the lesson you were viewing last, you can select Resume to continue the course.
  • If you want to jump to a specific lesson within the course, you can scroll down to find that lesson, and click on it to resume from that point.

Your course content will now open in the Mobile App Course Player.

The Mobile App Course Player

If you’ve taken courses before using the web (browser) version, you will already be familiar with our Course Player and how it works.

The Course Player in the Mobile App looks and acts very similar to how it does on the web (browser) site, with a few adjustments to allow for mobile functionality.


When you open a lesson within your course, you will see:

  1. The name of the course you are working on at the top of the screen
  2. A clickable menu icon
    Clicking this icon will bring you back to the course curriculum menu
  3. The name of the lesson you are currently on (directly under the course name)
  4. The lesson material
  5. The Complete button (to complete one lesson and move to the next)
    This button won’t be visible until you have scrolled down to the bottom of the lesson

Just like in the web (browser) version of the Course Player, you will move through your lesson content to the bottom of the page, where you can select Complete to mark your current lesson as completed and move to the next lesson.


Chapters are used to structure the material in your course, and each chapter of your course will contain one or more lessons.

You can see the chapters in your course from the main Course Curriculum outline. Click on the chapter name to collapse or open lessons within it.

Once you have completed all of the lessons within a Chapter of your course, you may see a chapter completion popup. You can either select Continue to continue with the course or tap anywhere on the screen to return to the lesson.

Supported Course Features

The lesson types listed below are all available on the Mobile App. Click to expand each of the dropdowns to learn more about how each lesson type works in the Mobile App:

Text Lessons

Video Lessons

Audio Lessons

Download Lessons

PDF Lessons

Prerequisite Lessons

One important thing to note is that not all of the features and/or lesson types that are available on the web (browser) based version of your course will be available on the Mobile App version.

As you are working through your course material, you may encounter an unsupported lesson type. If this does happen, you will see a message saying “[Lesson name] Take this lesson on the web and return to the app once you’re done“. You will also see a popup with this message when completing a lesson before.


From here, you can choose to either Skip Lesson or click View on the Web to access the lesson via the web (browser) version. Note that you might need to re-sign into your account in the browser.

If you receive this message on a lesson that contains prerequisite material, you will not have the option to skip the lesson, and will need to open and complete the lesson in your browser to move to the next lesson.

Some of the features and lesson types that you will need to access in the web (browser) version include:

  • Multimedia Lessons
  • Presentation Lessons
  • Live Lessons
  • Assessment Lessons (Quizzes, Surveys, Assignments, Brillium Exams)
  • Free Preview Lessons
  • On-lesson discussions

Important Considerations

  • The Mobile App will save your course progress from the last place you left off in the course – this progress will also be translated into the web (browser) version of your account.
    • The only exception to this is video lesson progress – video progress can only save if you resume the video using the same device and method (web browser or Mobile App) that you were previously watching it on.